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Pangea's Flozone fits big datas zero carbon mandate and provides 24 7 system analytics

Climate Change & the Expanding Data Center Market

It is no secret that Data Center’s are growing Bigger, Faster and More Efficient and innovation in the Data Center market is growing just as rapidly.

It is also no secret that the planet Earth is under constant threat from the effects of climate change. As stated in the Data Center Frontier’s Special Report on Green Data Centers, “The urgent need for climate action is writ large in the headlines of 2020. Devastating wildfires have ravaged California, Oregon and Colorado, while a historic series of powerful hurricanes slammed the Gulf Coast. These disasters have been a tipping point in public awareness, driving home the fact that a changed climate is not a future threat, but a current reality.”


There is a  growing demand for chemical free solutions

“The data center industry is in a unique position to accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices and reduce the damage to our changing climate” Rich Miller DCF January 6, 2021

Our Sister Company, Pangea FIltration Technology LLC, has a licensing exclusive on Flozone’s Integrated Water, Energy & Air Management System for the Data Center Market. Flozone’s IoT tech can reduce data center cooling costs, Carbon, and Water