4IR Microgrid™ is honored to display its innovative cyber-physical power and data solution at the Pentagon October 3-4

4IR Microgrid™ is honored to display its innovative cyber-physical power and data solution at the Pentagon October 3-4

In 2015 the United States led the world into the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) also known as the cyber physical revolution.

The US needs 4000 new data centers averaging 25 megawatts and 250,000 s.f. to power 4IR.

4IR is a fusion of advances in Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, Blockchain, Virtual reality (VR), 5G, along with Energy capture, storage, and transmission.

At the same time as part of modernizing the energy security of the United States, 600 obsolete power plants are being demolished.

Micro grids are at the nexus of 4IR and the new energy economy. 4IR Microgrid™ team has $1 billion track record decommissioning power plants. To take advantage of a cleaned former power plant site, 4IR Microgrid™ is beginning to place data centers and micro grids on these sites. 4IRMmicrogrid™ is been invited by STAR TIDES to display at GMU and the Pentagon.