4IR is pleased to announce a new International TV Presentation by Emerald Planet

In advance of the October 15 webinar that 4IRM is coordinating the production of with Magnifique, we are pleased to have arranged an international TV presentation by Emerald Planet TV

Via 4IRM’s Africa Kilowatt division, we are advancing a $94 million, 50MW solar-25MW battery smart grid project in Abuja, Nigeria; Africa’s only planned capital city.

It is an honor to have Emerald Planet TV feature this project and our development partner Magnifique in a one hour internationally broadcast show: 

“Nigeria Fast Forward: Converting Polluting Diesel Electricity Power to Solar Energy and Battery Storage Backup”

The Nigeria Crisis: Shortage of Power Results in Reliance on Expensive, Dirty Diesel

Private-Public Solution: Embedded Power Program

Abuja 50: Model that Can be Replicated

Magnifique, LTD. Vision: Providing Low Cost Green Energy to 200 Companies